Sad Melody...
Yesterday, all my trouble seems so far away ... Yes it does . It happened when I am with her , my bestfriend ever , Haziqah Rosazanam . After almost two months or so tak jumpa, we guys meet up at library [tempat yang salu ktorg jejak time form 3 dlu ntuk stdy sme²] but since she went to SMS Mersing , things changed . I no longer hang around there much like I used to . And I am no longer the same Nadilah. People saw that I am happy and all but inside , I am empty as my stomach on bulan puasa. Everything doesn't felt right . Everything became topsy turvy . My study also goes tunggang terbalik. I didn't have my motivation which is You , Haziqah. So semalam gila gelak buat lawak bodoh plus belajar plus excited bercerita plus bergambar segala. Serious aku happy . Suddenly I stop hating being in my shoes . Just for a while that is . Sayu hati bila fikir that this might be our last date before SPM, Sijil Pembunuh Mood because I will be away to KL for god knows how long . H...