The One And Only
Hi dad. Remember the picture? The first day where I'm bound to make the growth of your grey hairs go hay *giggles* And where I was waaay shorter than you? Dad, here I am, miles away from you and 13 years older the one in the picture. And looks like it is 12am. And you know what day is today kan? I know the text I sent you arrived safely in your inbox. Because I chocked on your reply. Well, watching Timothy Green the movie beforehand menyumbang to it as well. Oh, I mean every little words I wrote down there. I love you, dad. I really do. I remember till this day that you are my hero, dad. Was, still am and I'm pretty sure will always be. The hero who sneaked a bottle of milk for me each morning until I was 6 years old before sending me to kindergarten. Then when I hit the age of sekolah rendah and sekolah menengah, you, the hero will always be there, fetching me or just greeting me with you...