1st - aku ditagged oleh faten amira
1. Write on a piece of paper each =

. Your name/user name
Right handed/left handed

Your favorite word to write

Your least favorite word to write

Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

. Write down 10 bloggers that you want to tag

2. Take pictures of your work and post it in your blog

. pedulikan handwriting aku yang sucks .

yang kena tag oleh aku [incase korg xnmpk kat ats ni] =

Maizatul Akmalia binti Hj Abu Bakar
Risha Nazneen binti ??
Fared bin ??
Mr Shari
Raja Bulan a.k.a Adie - kun
Siti Nur Azalia binti Mohamad Salleh
Nabilah binti Hisham =)
Ezyan Syamin binti ??
Hajar binti ?? (junior kuh)
Fatin Shazea binti ??


2nd - ditagged oleh Risha Nazneen dan Kong Leonie benda yang sama

Directions : Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog on Blogspot or Myspace or Facebook with sixteen random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment (”you’re it”) and to read your blog. You can’t tag the person who tagged you.

Here goes......

1. My full name is Nadilah Hisham [although korg da tau, aku ttap nk tulis. haha]

2. I like to sing out loud in the toilet until my dad will shout something about dosa or something and then baru aku katup mulut kuat-kuat

3. Pretty looking and like to mengelamun into the mirror and saying that "no doubt I'm the
cutest human being on earth"[untuk boost confident. bukan aku buat EVERY HOUR pun. everyday ckuplah. kehkeh!]

4. My head is spinning vigorously to type 16 random things about myself

5. Thanking Leonie and Risha for tagging me on this head-spinning thingy

6. Like UPIN & IPIN so much! [kalau korg bagi hadiah yg ade merekamereka pun best gak]

7. I know that some of my classmates hate me because im to loud and a bit sombong looking [dont judge a book by its cover]

8. Baru sampai nombor 8 ke? Macam sudah banyak tadi. *sigh*

9. Never completed homework since kindergarten

10. Love english subject

11. Pernah dikutuk oleh guru-guru petang kerana perangai yang nauzubillah [kutukk blakang arh. buat derk suda]

12. I love my friends. Can't live without them

13. I hate seeing girls wearing tudung but buating maksiat [minta dijauhkan dari aku. sorry kalau terasa. sebab ada my friend yg xbrtudung keep ckp that baik xyah pkai tdung coz prangai yg pkai pon TERUKK. so aku agak panas]

14. Don't like making people terasa hati but usually i excidentally done that without noticing [jadi kat sini. aku nak minta maaf kat sume orang kalau ada salah cakp ke ape. aku tau kadang aku ske gurau trlebih. ampun!]

15. Loves having fun and ketawa yang terlampau [donkey and snorting sort of laugh. irritating though. memekakkan telinga. aku tau. hahahahahaha! *snort*]

16. [the last one. yay!] Always diberitahu oleh buguru/rakan/teman bahawasanya tulisan aku memang macam budak tadika. Dari dulu sampai sekarang. Kalau tidak percaya, sila lihat buku tatabahasa aku untuk tahun ini, benda yang sama happened, buguru ada tinggalkan sisipan menyuruh aku baiki tulisan. Susahlah mahu betulkan because tangan aku tidak bedung kut time kecikkecik. Agaknyalah. [haha! sedih tahap gaban. benda yang sama jadi every year. hopeless yang teramat sgt]

The mangsa =

Maizatul Akmalia - sebab aku suka susahkan kau
Fared - sebab sukasuki
Adie - kun - sebab anda 'abang' ku
Fatin Shazea - sebab anda ada di blog ku
Siti Nur Azalia binti Mohamad Salleh - sebab anda rajin buat bendabenda ini

Buat jangan tidak buat ya!


  1. aper nie???
    aq kne tag???
    huh???blurr siot aq!!

  2. haha.
    kau memang sentiasa blur tahap gaban babe.
    just follow instruction blabla.
    cehh , kau kan sudah telefon aku tadi.
    buat apa aku mahu taip panjang-panjang dekat sini.

  3. sumpah x perasan de lg penderaan (tagged)

  4. bhahahaha!
    sudah dibuat pun kan?


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