Home Flu

Heaven yeah I am at home.

With the stupid flu bugs that bugs me a lot [hahah. ayt cumel gilaa :p].

I don't know what else to do other than online-ing.

My sister and brother already enjoying themselves shopping ofcourse.


I wanna go too.

Not fairlah.


Tomorrow, I will be back to school :)

Lots of homework not completed yet.

Especially Sains Pertanian notes.

Not even a single chapter done.

Damn lazy man.

I'm sure I'll be lectured by Lee Li Peng [alahh buguru. chill bole? rsult SP aq ok wat. haishh]

What am I mumbling about here?

Lets hit the sack.

Goodnight guys (u.u) zZ


  1. waaa..smer laa sy dmm juge~hehe

  2. haha!
    really sis?
    get well soon xD

  3. ahaha. best apeee...
    we're not ready 4 da exam. hoho!
    yg tak bestnyee kena ganti. tp seminggu je kan kan. haha!

  4. huhu..dh baek dh...u take care gurl`

  5. haha!
    dinie oh dinie.
    naifnya awak :p
    satu minggu itu diambil dari cuti hari raya awak.
    tidak dapatlah awak kumpul duit raya.

  6. alhamdulillah kalau macam itu sis :D
    nadee masih mempunyai mucus yang banyak di hidung.
    haha [ayt puyu an? lol] :p

  7. hope not the mucus from h1n1 influenza dear~huhu


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