When ransack happens !

Oh dear, today, papa and along pergi rumah sana [sana means other]...... Suddenly , jeng³!

We got robbed baby! Teruk gila wa cakap lu. MEREKA curi wayar³ elektrik, motor icebox [skang tinggal box ja!hahha], meja and bola pool, dua pressure cooker, a box of shuttlecocks, raket³ badminton [except yg cikai punya,mereka tngglkan], besi³ kerusi, paip³ air, cover kusyens, pinggan mangkuk, kipas, lampu, VCD player, tiga bijik tv, dua never worn badminton shoes which is fresh from the box and on top of it all, they robbed our memoribilias...... Good job kids! :') Kecik² tak nak mati, dah besar menyusahkan orang. Damn sad to see my parents act tough. But in thier hearts, only god knows. Papa smiled and said "dia ambil semua shuttlecock deq.kasut papa beli yg belum pakai tu..." and I cried..

At first masa mama call and broke the news, I'm mad but after they got home and tell me the details, I can't help feeling angry, furious, annoyed, sad and yang setime with it. The police didn't help either. He just came and took some pictures. That's it! No searching for DNA blah³ whatsoever and get this, he used a regular camera and not SLR. Okay², I watched too many CSI. I know I know but isn't searching for DNA is a standard procedure? Gosh! Are we living in the 50's? [nadilah!stop!you are being a jerk!]. Oh well, memories, I hope you stay put in my heart and mind. We don't need stuff to make us remember do we?

copy and paste from my diary :)

P/S : sorry, no colour coordination untuk membezakan bahasa pasar, english words and malay words. No time for it hee.


  1. Sabar ya...
    ini semua dugaan-Nya...

  2. perompak yg nakal :P

    sabar yep ;))

  3. syari, bersabar tahap max dah. huhu
    siapa²dirianda, perampok tak paham bahas lah sebetulnya. ;p baik boss. :)
    lanunselaluterlampau, i know. they lived there for god sake. berkampung. itu yang memang hebat jadinya barang yang tinggal :D


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