Cikgu Nadilah

      This is a story of how I met your father...okay, tipu. Terang-terang title tu kan? It is a story of how I became a teacher. In How I Met Your Mother, the story telling tells about what happens before Ted and his wife met but in THIS story, the story telling gonna take part after the hullabaloo happened. But beware, it is gonna be a looong one. I didn't say it is gonna be dull and such; it is sweet (to me at least) but it's gonna be long. (alaa, mostly pictures what. chill laa and keep on reading, mate) So, here goes.

      Two weeks before 17th April, mama got a call from the headmistress of Sekolah Rendah Islam Johor Bahru. She asked mama whether ada tak anyone kat rumah yang free from any work commitment untuk jadi guru sandaran for a month and 'FORTUNATELY', I was. This school was my sanctuary when I was in standard 1. See that cute little thing? Hihi that was me and sebelah tu my beloved papa. Time tu darjah 1, first day of school. *wiping tears

      Yep, the fortunately part tu ada inverted comma because sumpah time mama broke the news I was like "oh, nononononono". I was freaking scared. All I could think of was what my biology teacher said to me "awak kalau jadi cikgu nanti kan Nadilah, awak tahulah rasanya macam mana dapat student macam awak." Aku rasa aku dah di cursed. So untuk jadi seorang guru was not in my mind...ever. I feel like it was a burden; a huge one, on my shoulders. I don't know how to teach a kid. Let alone a whole class. And mama also said I have to teach standard 1 and 3 English and standard 4 and 5 Mathematics. 

      Tengah dalam dilema cenggitu, mula lah post di Facebook. Ah, normal lah. Bukannya minta simpati or mencari publisiti. Tangan rasa ringan. Err, okay, tak perlu explain tang tu. 

dan rata-rata suruh ambil. 

      Aku tahu aku perlu ambil opportunity ni. Bukannya selalu. Mama, papa, akak, best friends dan kawan-kawan pun suruh ambil. So, I said yes and the rest is history.

      I was told that on my first week that I was one of the guru bertugas and I had to came to school early as 7.15am and go back home at 5.30am. I felt like I was been bullied honestly but as a great teacher (ehem, yes. great teacher), I sucked it up. 

      The looong wait with mix feelings time came, 17th April, I got up on 5.30am and honestly because I was too excited to be in the bed more than a second. I came through the familiar gate after 12 years. Things changed; new painting works of the buildings, new colour of the school uniform and the atmosphere. I was here then as a student and now I am a teacher. The moment was unspeakable. So I stroll down the hill silently. I came into the bilik guru and sat at my place since most of the teachers were not present yet. It was 7.15 in the morning.

      For my first class of the day, 4 Imam Thobari which I have to teach them Mathematics, all the teachers including my old teachers who taught me when I was there to learn (haha, it seems surreal even now!) warned me to be strict when I first walk into the class because most of the students are 'something else'. I was told that the guru sandaran before me cried on her first meeting with those particular students. So I came in the class with my stern face. They looked excited to see me. Yela, a new teacher kan. So when I bagi salam they jawab "waalaikummussalam cikgu tak tahu.". Hah, memang pandai. LOL. Then I told them my name and proceed with the learning program that the previous teacher did for me. The kids punya peperiksaan setengah tahun was just a few weeks away then so aku takut nak main-main, tanya nama mereka, ambition mereka and whatnot.

      As the guru bertugas for the week, I was in charged for the mini assembly every time after the tahap 1 and tahap 2 recess time and among other things. For the first time jaga perhimpunan kecil tu, all the kids looked at me like I was an alien or something. I can't help but to smile. By then, I already came into 2 of the classes that I have to teach. When they berjalan dalam barisan ke kelas, ramai tanya nama aku dekat kawan-kawan mereka dan I heard that one of them cakap "tu cikgu Nadilah...cikgu tu garang!". Hah, I got title cikgu garang. Bull's eye! Memang tu aku nak. Takde lah dorang pijak kepala aku ke apa kan. Haha. Ah, kelas berakhir dengan smoothly untuk hari tu.

      Dan pada hari ketiga, aku ketemu dengan kecelakaan. Aku ingat nak buat fun sikit lah kan dalam kelas. Nak buat kuiz untuk bebudak darjah 3 Imam Nawawi where I teach English. Dalam kelas mereka, meja guru terletak di hadapan kelas dan di tengah. Bukannya di hadapan dan hujung tepi seperti biasa. Jadi aku request kat bebudak ni untuk tolakkan meja ketepi bagi mudah untuk tulis jawapan kat white board. But then the meja rupanya dah memang tersedia patah and bunyi parts of the laci yang tumbang tu agak kuat sampai the teacher next door keluar bertanyakan kenapa. Aku try untuk pasang semula laci tu. Bila aku pusing nak cakap kepada cikgu tu, one of the kids exclaimed "cikguuu! darah!" and bila aku tengok jari aku, darah dah meleleh-leleh macam paip. 

kuku aku pecah.  nice.

      On the penghulu segala hari, hari Jumaat, when the school had their weekly assembly, I had to duduk di main gate untuk jaga students yang datang lambat. Berpeluh-peluh jugaklah duduk situ the whole morning. Sigh. Tapi best dapat berbual dengan budak-budak ni. Rasa matang je aku. HAHA. Bagi nasihat macam Miss Know It All. Sila puii.

different kan the building daripada time aku darjah 1?

bebudak yang bertugas.

ni geng-geng perempuans, obviously.
ni pulak geng-geng lelakis.

this is Humairah Chang, budak darjah 1 yang sangat comel. rumah dia sebelah sekolah je but still datang lambat, har har

haa boleh baca tak tulisan jawi tu? boleh tak? tak boleh? sila masuk sekolah semula ye, orang melayu! (mode sarcastic on)

it's healing, alhamdulillah :)
ni tempat aku main belon acah dulu-dulu. tak taw belon acah tu ape? oh maii :/

tempat assembly kitorang dulu-dulu. tak macam sekarang; dalam dewan berhawa dingin. hmph!

...and almost every Jumaat, the teachers ade meeting yang di start dengan tazkirah oleh any cikgu. :')
ni week ke 3 kalau tak silap, ade jamuan untuk rumah biru dan apparently i'm one of them so, ehem, yummy! yang otomen tu patotnye duduk atas kek tapi aku kebas dulu hihi

this kid is cute and well-mannered. his name is Haqeem.

haa, ni pulak first meal aku as cikgu kat kantin. aku ni kan pemalu so about 8 days berlapar tak makan dari pagi till balik, ni baru beranikan diri. :P

from left; Zhafran, Alamak Lupa, Airiel ILYAS (yes, nama bestie aku. setiap kali panggil nama budak ni mesti tersengih manjang), Danish Hayqal and Irfan.

this gift was from budak darjah 1. after aku marah dia sebab tak bawak buku, dia hulur benda ni and cakap "hari ni birthday saya, cikgu". aku terkesima. tapi takpe, pengajaran! xD

hee otomen in action! hiyarghhh! :D

      Ah cerita aku tak ikut timeline lah. Lantak lah ek? Ni pulak on the second week, most of the teachers and I have to berjual for the koko punya day which was on Wednesday afternoon. The program is called BAKU. And I bermodalkan RM20 from the collected money, minta mama buat mama punya famous sandwiches and it sell quite fast...err, alaa, letak apa-apa pun bebudak ni makan kan, haha.

jeng3! jadi ni lah my old, old OLD teacher (abai kan 2 word old. saje exaggerate HAHA) this is cikgu Shikin. she was my class teacher back when aku darjah 1. sebab tu i put lots of old. untuk menandakan how long she was there, giving back to the society and bukan sebab dia tua. hah!

the kutipans. something else aite?
banyak kenangan aku ngan cikgu ni dulu. aku kan dulu suka ikut kepala aku. nasib baik dia ni jenis tough. kalau tak aku dah kategori anak murid derhaka lah kot. haha. ehem, tapi i was penolong ketua kelas. a good one at it. :P

and start second week, aku buat extra class for maths untuk darjah 5 and only these 2 guys showed up;  Azhad and Aqil. they were eager to learn and i love them to bits!

cam-whoring. abaikan.

HAHAHA aku pakai nama aku. gulp! Allah... Tulisan aku! *tutup muka

days after that. they still came. every day. :')

bebudak darjah 3 ni rajin bagi aku little gifts. and these were some of it. 

yang nyonyot lolly tu is Daniel Haqeem. he was something else. manja, pandai tapi malas nauzubillah. tapi bijak dia aku tak boleh sangkal. his atok is the owner of the kedai D'Terrace BBQ Steamboat dekat Kolam Air...err, orang JB je lah taw kot kedai ni....moving on.
ni pulak Daniel Haqeem's best friend. he's cute isn't he? both of them punyai suara ala-ala baby. sumpah comel! haa yang ni pun bijak. malaih pun 2 x 5.

ni Aziz. he's a big eater tapi badan keremping je! yang dia dok baham tu was his 4th roti sosej. yep, wow! ahaks. dia ni memang hormat cikgu. i loike. <3

time ni rehat-rehat. dorang dok sambar phone aku, tengok tv. hah, layankan je.

ni pulak pengawas kerek tapi baik. haha. masa aku jaga assembly after rehat tu dia suruh aku duduk bawah bumbung sebab "nanti cikgu hitam". awww moment!

hihi siapa tak taw game card ape ni memang loser!

every Jumaat ada Usrah for bebudak tahap 2 and for the teachers...perempuan bila the guys p sembahyang Jumaat. serius rasa nak meleleh je air mata (tapi aku tahan) bila dengar the teacher in charge story pasal nabi-nabi. aku rindukan semua itu. aku rindukan ke-islam-an 24/7 dalam kehidupan harian aku macam dulu-dulu.

teman setia aku di kala tiada kelas. thanks kawan. kau banyak berjasa.

one of the student punya mak bagi all the teachers a one good slab of meat. oh nyum!

      Ni pula ada motivasi program for bebudak darjah 5 and darjah 6. The program was nice and really made the kids motivated and me cried...well, ada slot yang pasal mak bapak tu, tak kan nak tunjuk kebal jugak kan.
yang sengih lebor tu nama dia Afif. dia duduk dekat-dekat ngan rumah aku je tapi  blok lain haha.

surat cinta dari Munif, budak paling nakal dalam sekolah. haha tapi some how dia kinda sweet. 

uhuk. tiada erti. next!

      For Mother's Day, english panitia made an effort to raise money for the panitia and hence the flower selling stuff happens. I also terlibat maa. One of english teacher kan. LOL. So, we beramai-ramai balut the bunga, cut the cards, and ikat it with ribbons...semua di buat with love.

again, cake. memang buntal lah kalau lelama aku duduk sini.

ini namanya lobang tikus. game masa kecik-kecik main dulu. taw kan?

      Dan on my last week as a teacher, the first half of the week, semua bebudak ni kene pulun examination setengah tahun. So, aku kena jaga classes. Aku ingat bila jaga exam, it will be an easy work tapi heh, harapan lah. Dorang tanya itu ini kot. Untuk kelas darjah 1 pulak, I have to read out the questions one by one. I tak ingat pun time aku cenggitu. 

5 Imam Thobari. dan yang dok kenyit mata tu nama dia Adam Ibrahim. Cute kid and nice!

bila exam, baru lah bebudak darjah 4 nak join extra class.yang kiri sekali tu Hisham Chang (yep! abang kepada Humairah Chang nun atas sana tuu) and others. :)
this is Tasha. budak ni senyap je dalam kelas aku dan hari kedua  aku bertugas dia ada bagi aku cake. dan  after sekolah ni haa, dah berkali-kali dia text aku dan berpuluh kali call aku. sorry kalau teacher reply lambat yee awak. tiap kali awak text, time tu lah kite takde kredit.

goodbye buku persediaan! goodbye markers! :'(

      Pictures untuk kenangan. Last week of duty.

DEDICATED TO MY HONEY BUNNY HAZIQAH! <3 since aku yang buat soalan so sukati je lah kan HIHI

ni pulak untuk mereka yang bertakhta di hati hihi ehem, kbye.


Last attended assembly as a teacher.

this is Zuhayr. he is the most obedient kid and a good muslim. wish him all the best and moga dia jadi insan yang soleh dan lead our future generation. he's the reason my faith in future generation of islam restored! :') once he asked me "cikgu, pegang perempuan haram kan?" and dia jugak pernah tanya before salam aku "cikgu, boleh ke saya salam cikgu? cikgu kan perempuan." 

mereka di denda berdiri sampai habis assembly kerana tak sembahyang subuh pagi tu. jujur bebudak ni, alhamdulillah. after assembly, mereka ramai-ramai disuruh pergi ke surau dan sembahyang.

for that particular week, Adeebah, a darjah 2 kid who to me is very polite, tak banyak cakap and saaangat cantik, dapat anugerah pelajar mithali. good job!

...and bagi lelaki, Haqeem dapat. :') my baby! hik2

my last meal as a teacher. nasi ayam penyet...sort of. tapi peh sumpah sedap. *tergiur

and that week aku jugak kena jaga bebudak perempuan solat...and a bunch of bebudak darjah 1 yang masih tak lanyak di bawa ke masjid kerana ketandusan ilmu :P

bebudak darjah 5 whom to me was very cooperative minus some of them but in really little number.

insyaAllah cegu akan ingat nama korang till the end!

handsome Aqil HAHA

before and after bebarang aku atas meja guru :( yang plastic bags tu penuh dengan bebunga cinta from the students yang beli supposedly untuk Hari Ibu tapi mereka beli untuk aku. sobs, sumpah terharu :')

muke cekonon sedih lah tu HAHA okay tapi memang betul pun.


hihi Aqil nampak macam nyah kan? :P
muke Azhad tak pueh ati jawapan salah :P

handsome budak nye.

hee baby aku, Daniel Haqeem baru lepas teresak-esak pleading me not to go dari pagi tu. badan dia panas kot time ni. dia dok asik suruh datang kedai atok dia je. one day baby. one day! funny story happened between me and him time bebudak lelaki pergi sembahyang jumaat but malaih ah nak cerita. penat dah tangan menaip ni haa.

parting gifts :')

      ...and that was how I was known as Cikgu Nadilah for a month. Cough. Cough. 18 days to be exact. Baaanyak saaangat happenings time jadi cikgu ni sebenarnya tapi memandangkan nak buat satu entry ni pun makan masa 6 hari, aku akan sambung on the next post insyaAllah. Moga anak-anak murid aku jadi orang-orang beriman yang berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat. Aminnn.

      Time last day jadi cikgu ni sebenarnya tak sedih sangat sebab aku dijemput untuk hadirkan diri untuk sibuk-sibuk time Hari Guru so aku boleh jumpa bebudak ni balik! Hihi until next time! Adios muchachos! Assalamualaikum.

p/s : baru balik dari pulau ni haa tapi gagah kan diri jugak nak update. hik-hok.

pp/s : kalau ade errors tang ejaan ke hape ke lantak laa yee. dah penat nak check. nak tutup mata!

ppp/s : sorry for the looong post...not!


  1. im so proud of you dear. tp aku pun pleyk apesal. but i just feel good, proud of you :)

  2. seriously..feels like becoming a teacher after reading yer post..sobsobs.. :{

  3. awww thank you (yes, finally i know who u r :P) ehee muahh :')

  4. fasyu, alolololo~ it was fun to me but in a long run i takot gak kalau fully jd cegu, dak dak ni kang jd laen pulak. haihhh btambah dosa :P lol, if ur passion is towards teaching, go for it~ u ade ciri2 nye da :)

  5. great nadee!..cikgu yg comel,sweet!..:) -yana-

  6. yana! thanks for dropping by!! :') nadee shore cegu yana will too! have fuuun!


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