
Showing posts from May, 2020

Diary Ramadhan 2020

Assalamualaikum, hi guys! :) Holy macaroni, it has been 4 years since I've updated this blog!       Last post were on March 2016. So in between that until now, I've been having a great career as Nadilah Champion Proton @ Proton Edar Larkin helping out my clients owning their dream cars with ease AND I've had 4 more nieces and nephews to love and to cherish until my last breath. Pheew, and a lot more in between.       This particular post is to celebrate my 2020's Ramadhan which was beautiful, alhamdulillah. So all the things happened in between tu nanti lah posts lain eh kalau rajin nak menulis lagi, haha!       We started fasting on 23rd of April; I was looking forward on achieving my personal goal on finishing the whole Al-Quran on the holy month...starting from surah Al-Fatihah, even though I stopped in the middle of the Quran from the last time I read it. Rasa nak start fresh, I don't know why.     ...