END is in bloom

Hahahahah! Nononono! Not that kind of end. Just the end of my final examination in Secondary Four :)

Woah! It means that the end of 2009 is hampirin. Open shut open shut, 2010 is around the corner. SPM <-- wuuu scary

GEMBIRA APABILA PAPER MATHEMATIC DIKUTIP TADI. No more eyebags because waking up in the morning to study! More time to sleep and updating bloggy sayang.

-in loving memory of Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Additional Mathematics, Modern Mathematics, Sains Pertanian, Agama, Sejarah, Physics, Chemistry and Biology-


  1. hehehe.. Good luck n all the best..
    wahhhhhhhhhh...for your spm..


  2. spm apanya abang ni!
    tidak mahulah bercerita tentang itu.
    awal lagi

  3. hahahahha...wat malu la adie....a


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