This Is It :D

Hari Ahad lepas, aku book ticket untuk movie This Is It. So, today aku pergi dengan bestfriend aku, Haziqah.

The movie was great! It shows how great is Michael Jackson. He never raise his voice to the people who works with him when they did something wrong and he also said "God bless you" to almost every person in the stadium. He is so energetic. What makes him the most awesome entertainer is that he always there to know the progress of his show. He is one cool dude. Sadly, he's gone.

City Square penuh gila dengan pelajar² yang berdating which makes me sick just to look at them acting all lovey dovey [shameful] dan yang berjalan². Pusing sini, jumpa orang yang aku kenal lepas itu said hi and such. Pusing sana, same thing. Kepada yang aku tidak perasan dan tidak tegur [sperti kes one gal td.hahah pehal la ko jerit "pehh bwat2 xknal siuttt!"kat escalator pulok ue.haishh segan²], for your info, aku tidak memakai spec tadi dan mata agak kabur. So, sorrylah ya? :)

Masa dalam panggung, Aizam [old bestie.time kat skool rndah] called dan tanya aku dimana. Kemudian janji untuk lepak bersama-sama. Tunggu movie aku habis kemudian get together dengan Aizam dan seorang lagi bestie aku which I cannot mention his name here [takut bini dye marah!haishh payah] Berbual dan bergelak ketawa. Seronok gila!

Lepas itu, mereka berdua pula masuk panggung tengok movie 2012. Tunggu mereka selama 2 jam lebih untuk makan bersama. Masa tunggu itu, seksa! Penat dan letih berjalan tidak tentu arah. Finally, we all sit down and eat at Secret Recipe :D

Pukul 6 petang, Haziqah pulang menaiki teksi. Aizam dan si ehem pula tunggu aku pulang dulu. Bila aku suruh pulang, mereka jawab "xnk la.ktorg tnggu ko blk dlu.ktorg syg ko.naty pape jd kat ko susa". Terharu aku :'D Thanks guys! Both of you are the best! Mama ambil aku pukul 6.40 petang. This is it. It is the time for me to leave. Last words, miss the three of you a lot!

Aku rindu kau weh! Hang out next time yeah. Plan betul² pas ni. Haa ini lah Aizam. Kepoh gila

Besties forever :D
p/s = i saw faten amira xD hahah


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