Jom Kecoh 2011

WARNING : This is going to be those kind of tale that might bore you. It's full of little detail that I bother to write 'cos again, it is for my future reference. If you love yourself and not wanting to be a puddle of gooey air liur basi, turn away from this page, thank you.

Heck yeah I went to Jom Heboh yesterday and the day before but here this out. I went there as a promoter and NOT as a jolly good buyer! My very first time tuuu jejak kan kaki ke Jom Heboh and I'm proud with myself! Hahaha.

A week prior to the week, Fiona yang ajak aku untuk kerja di situ since her sister and herself pernah buat promote² ni and Fiona jugak pernah promote tuala wanita yang jenama dia aku tak boleh sebut sebab nanti kiranya aku promote jenama tu FOC and I wouldn't want that. Aku nak duiiiiiitt! :P

So dengan sepantas kilat aku agree untuk jadi promoter Nestle [itu yang si fyon bg taw lah.just nestle.but wat sort of product,aku pun tak taw]. Yang aku nak dengar was she said we will get RM80 per day and at the end of the weekend, I would be RM160 richer or so I thought. Hooray! :D

On the first day, Saturday, 12th March 2011, I wore a short sleeved shirt and dalam aku pakai inner lah kan so bila dapat T-shirt yang di beri oleh tuan besar a.k.a boss, boleh lah aku bukak luar saja. But unfortunately, all the promoters tak dibekalkan baju langsung. Pakai baju sendiri² which is sucks but whatever lah. Asal aku dapat gaji, I won't complain. *wink* Sebelum keluar rumah, aku manage untuk telan sekeping cheese untuk alas perut since aku tak boleh nak telan apa² pun. Papa drop aku dekat Festive Street Mall or should I say, rangkanya.

Met up with Fyon and her momma yang jugak bekerja bersama kami. But si adik manis, Fify, tak dapat kerja dengan kami semua 'cos she was admitted in hospital last Khamis and was not allowed by big boss a.k.a her momma untuk ikut serta mencari duit. Pergi dekat gerai Nestle, aku quite surprised lah sebab the set up was, pardon me, not that great. Aku fikir gigantic display of the stuff that we gonna sell and a big place to work with. But it is not. It's just a simple little gerai or you can call it a booth. Which ever pun, it still doesn't change the fact that it was kecik.

here is what it looked like at the end of the first day. we sold out on 10 p.m. or so. Yayyieee! :) heh, kecik je kan tempat dye?

Walaupun tempat dia kecik, erk, okay okay, I'll drop the kecik thingy, the place or the boss himself [aku act tak taw pun which one boss,mind you] buat aku, Fyon, her momma and other promoter worked our ass off. Baru saja datang, dah suruh kami berdua untuk angkut beg² berisikan Nestle Bliss and Yogurt and jual kannya kepada passed by-ers.

inilah the stuff yang aku dok angkut kehulu kehilir dalam beg yang cantik untuk dijualkan kepada orang ramai dengan harga RM10 per beg hee.

Masa rehat, jalan depan booth Hotlink, ada mini concert and Tomok tengah nyanyi that time. Sedih gila tak dapat jumpa any artis pun by the way. Nurul Ajai and mentee dia adalah depan gerai aku but tak rasa apa² pun. Aku nak Tomok! Sobs.

tu tomok atas pentas tuuuuuu

By the end of the day, tangan aku rasa nak putus, literally. Kaki aku dah macam jell-o and aku rasa aku boleh collapse any minute. Muka berbelang-belang toksah cerita lah. Buka saja cermin mata, memang macam aku pakai goggle invisible. Haha.

sempat bergambo without looking tired. me, fify and fyon before going home :)
time ni aku busuk gila dah! :(

Balik rumah, lepas solat isyak [masa rukuk dan sujud,terasa seperti orang tua.berkriuk kriuk tulang], mintak tolong mama urut tangan yang rasa nak putus tu. Muscle aku berdenyut-denyut gila kot. Dah landing atas katil sebelah mama but still tak depat tidur sebab layan mama tengok movie si Fasha Sandha berlakon jadi gila lepas kena cerai talak tiga. Lepas habis baru aku lari masuk bilik aku supaya aku dapat lelap and that time, jam dah tunjuk pukul 12 malam. Terbaik lah. Aku baru ingat nak tidur awal. Peh menyesal tengok Fasha. ~.~ Boo Fasha!

Pagi esoknya, roll out of bed since tak boleh bangun dengan seperti biasa. Bila dah tergolek atas lantai, baru diri and masuk toilet. Hehehe dah macam gajah gemuk or memang gajah gemuk ek? :P

Before pergi kerja, aku stretch yang macam nak warm up kan badan before senam tu, then aku rasa badan aku dah alligne macam selalu. Thank goodness. Tangan and tengkuk dah kena lumur dengan Yoko² sampai panas nak mampuih badan aku. Bila sampai Danga Bay, aku dikehendaki untuk packing kan all the Nestle Bliss dalam beg² dan aku buat dengan berdiri for an hour. Pinggang rasa macam nak patah. Nestle Bliss di rendam dalam air yang berais so wajiblah sejuk kan tangan aku. Yang bestnya, badan aku panas sebab Yoko² dan tangan pulak beku sebab rendam dalam air ais. A great combination... Not! Oink!

Macam² ragam customer aku jumpa. Yang tua teramat sangat bergigi satu ada, yang cerewet nak air perisa itu dan ini ada, yang couple berpegangan tangan tak boleh lepas ada, yang orang indon ada, yang Singaporean ada, yang alone ada, yang bergroup ada, almost semua lah kot aku dah jumpa. But satu saja aku nak cakap, manusia yang aku berdeal semua, tersangatlah beradab. Bila aku cakap thanks and senyum, mereka akan reply the same thing. Hooray to the world! Ahaa xD

Ada jugak yang tak syoknya happened while we are selling. First, ada budak remaja perempuan MELAYU mencoba untuk mencuri satu beg yang kita jual time aku tengah deal dengan orang dan Fyon yang panggil aku "nadee²!budak tu curik!" and I'm like huh? What? But tetiba that girl pulangkanlah balik beg tu and muttering something under her breath. Disgraceful. Then, about 20 minutes later, after giving back change to a young couple, aku nampak this little Indian boy walked off from the table where I was selling with the beg. And aku tanya young couple tu "eh budak tu belom bayar kan?" mereka jawab "erk.ntah ek.macam belom.hehehe dye ingat free kot". So aku pergi ke arah budak tadi jalan and pusing kiri kanan, tapi dia dah hilang. Bila aku dah tak busy sangat, aku nampak an Indian couple with the same little Indian boy, drinking away Nestle Bliss right next to our counter. Nice lah budak! :) I also knew that someone gave a FAKE hundred ringgit bill to one of us and got away with real change of money and yummy cool yogurt drinks. Tabik spring!

Jom Heboh also attracts the silence. What I mean is, orang² bisu. Three young males, a Malay and two Chinese which one of them is super cute! *drool* LOL. They used sign language to each other debating on what flavour to choose maybe, a metre away from me and I saw them. The super cute Chinese smile at me as if saying "hehehe.just bare with us okay." So when they turn up at the counter, I noticed that the mute Malay guy wore a shirt said 'APA TENGOK²? KALAU SUKA, CAKAP SUKA!' and I almost laughed out loud dan also aku nudge si Fyon untuk tengok budak tu. Huhu. I helped them through choosing what kind of flavour they want but sadly, I forgot to ask for the super cute one for his facebook. Bummer. Does anyone of you know him? Ugh, I know, it's a loss cause.

On 6 p.m sharp, we sold our last beg. But still some of the buyers hang at our little stall hoping that ada lagi. Sorry. :) The smiley big boss clap hands menandakan dah berjaya dan diikuti oleh kami² semua. Perasaan dah end tu bercampur baur. Happy yang amat and sad jugak sebab after this tak boleh nak kerja. Back to Nadee, stayed home teen. Heee.

Before balik, they insisted on taking a picture of all of us. Nasib baik aku bawak my trusty camera.

here we go. this is all of us. 5 UTM-ers, 2 budak comel, 3 woman, and others yang tulen Nestle people. <3>

Before the promoters pulang, abang berambut merah atas tu menghulurkan RM180 seorang. Ehem ehem. Moneyyyyy! I likeeee! Cium sikit bau duit. Hihihi [erk.ini gelak gedik]. Extra RM20 from yang dijanjikan. Jolly good! After that, ingatkan nak lepak until 8 p.m. with Fyon and her momma, enjoyed ourselves dekat Jom Heboh tu, tapi bila jalan sana sini, almost semua gerai dah tutup except for Jacker's which penuh dengan orang berebut beli itu dan ini. Memang gila. So akhirnya balik awal, lagi pun kaki dah melecet. That's it I guess. That's my story.

p/s : i am fortunate dilahirkan di bumi malaysia, nak sembahyang memang takde question from the big boss or anyone for the matter :) saya sayang malaysia bro!

pp/s : thanks Fyon and Fify sebab ajak kite ! muahh muahh :D

ppp/s : more photos on :)


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