Double Triple Delite

Nabilah Hisham :) Haziqah Rosazanam (: Sambut birthday my bestfriend till the end at City Square. Watch Alvin & The Chipmunks together which was super funny and cute! [rugi xtngok]. Beli kan dia a slice of cake and gave her a book by Cecelia Ahern as a present . Won't yapping to much here like I used to . Mesti boring mahu baca kan? [hahah!]. Mahu keep things short and sweet . Trying real hard [heheh]. Today also birthday my loveliest sister [kenapa dye pling lovely?sbab dye sorg je akak competition :p]. Since she is in Pangkor for a holiday with UiTMs' students, I just wish her by text 12am on the dot which I got her reply "HAHA.TQ MOK... :-D". Very touching...... Not! Singapore Idol season 3 dimenangi oleh Sezairi Sezali. Another malay guy wins just like the previous 1st and 2nd season . Looks like traditions stays [:D yayy for that!]. Tuisyen for the first time tadi. Seram gila. Aku dapat tahu cousin dan rakan sekolah lama satu kelas dengan aku. T...